Lesson plans and related resources are available for all age groups from Reception to Year 6.
Each lesson pack (zip file) contains a lesson plan with instructions for running the session and learning outcomes, and related resources Some lesson plans also include links to resources on the web such as videos.
We’d love to hear your comments on the lessons and resources so we can continue to improve them.
Reception packs
Lesson 1 pack | Lesson 2 pack | Lesson 3 pack | Lesson 4 pack
Key Stages 1 and 2 description
In the sessions for Key stage 1 and Key Stage 2, children identify different methods of communication and how these affect other people. The ways that feelings manifest in their bodies and are encouraged to verbalize that it’s not ok to hurt someone or let some hurt them physically or emotionally.
Identify their special people (family, friends, carers), what makes them special and how special people should care for one another
Develop strategies to resolve disputes and conflict through negotiation and appropriate compromise
The concept of ‘keeping something confidential or secret’, when we should or should not agree to this and when it is right to ‘break a confidence’ or ‘share a secret’
Year 1 & 2 packs
Lesson 1 pack | Lesson 2 pack | Lesson 3 pack | Lesson 4 pack
Year 3 & 4 packs
Lesson 1 Pack | Lesson 2 pack | Lesson 3 Pack | Lesson 4 Pack
Year 5 & 6 packs
Lesson 1 Pack | Lesson 2 Pack | Lesson 3 Pack | Lesson 4 Pack